Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Street - Dutch Pavilion at World Expo 2010

May 1st saw the opening of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. The theme this time is 'Better City, Better Life', as it is estimated that 55% of the world's population lives in cities in 2010.

The Dutch contribution is called 'Happy Street'. The architect, John Körmeling, wanted to design a pavilion that was more like a city instead of a single building. As opposed to urban planning in most areas, Happy Street shows that living, working, and entertaining can be done in the same 'street' instead of well-defined zones. It wants to show the creativity, sustainability and more human approach to living, which is necessary in the Netherlands as it is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

The result is inspiring. The street, in the shape of an eight (lucky number in China) is playful and has an open design. There are 28 houses on Happy Street that show different aspects of Dutch life, design, innovation and industry.

It also wants to address sustainability in its broadest sense - socially, ecologically and economically. Some of the houses have examples of Dutch technology and solutions for sustainability issues, and the pavilion itself shows a conceptual approach to sustainability as well.